Thursday, October 18, 2007

Maddy Vitals

I took my baby daughter to the doctor the other day, so just wanted to report on her vital statistics. She is now 23 pounds (yes...that's right...19mos and 23 pounds). That puts her in the 25th percentile for weight which is where she's always been. Her head, however is in the 75th percentile so her big brain is progressing just fine (I've put a new picture of her on the right).

I also made a mistake and told the doctor that she didn't know her body parts yet. I told her we really hadn't focused on that but rather other words. She proved me wrong while we were having our bath / "what's this" time. She loves splashing (is anyone shocked?) and always grabs my hands and puts them in the water wanting me to splash with her. This time she yelled "ans" (hands) as well. So over the course of "The Pruning" (my word...the time it takes for a child to become completely wrinkled in the bath), I learned that she knows eyes, ears, nose and mouth (not so much).

She loves saying "monkey" and yells it showing her teeth in a big grin. She also knows that Wiggles are the people on the weewee (TV) and that "wiggle wiggle" is what she does with her toes in the bathtub.


Anonymous said...

And she has great taste in TV, too - besides the Wiggles!

DuckieMom said...

Cutest little pumpkin in the patch!! What is she going to be for Halloween? Take lots of pictures for us!

What does she watch besides Wiggles? Laura was fond of Smurfs, and Karen was a Sheri Lewis and Lamb Chop fan. AND . . . Lamb Chop is coming out of retirement. Sheri's daughter is taking on the role of straight "man" for Lamb Chop!