Chapter One: The Slide
There is a park I take Maddy and The Blitz to a lot. It has a huge field and a walking path that goes around the field and even some wild and unexplored jungles (OK...some GA woods in the middle of Acworth, but...). There is also a rather large jungle gym (or whatever they call them now...Activity Unit for the Age Challenged?) that has two slides. In order to get to the slides, one has to walk up some stairs, climb through a tube, and make a decision as to which slide to go on...a crossroad, if you will. Depending on your point of view, each slide has its challenges (I know, the picture does it no justice but the adrenaline has no choice but to flow).
The first slide (right) has a small twist in it that slows the "slider" slightly before the second

So, what does this have to do with Maddy, you might ask? Well, with Daddy's help, Maddy has been down both of these treacherous slopes, but she hasn't really had the opportunity to face the challenge alone. Recently, all three of us were at the park and Daddy had to make sure Blitz didn't eat any other small children or their parents, so Maddy had the run of the Jungle Gym. As she mounted the stairs for the first time, a chill ran down my spine. She didn't have a helmet or any of the padding one would normally expect with this kind of stunt, so I was understandably nervous. As she crawled through the tube (with a "Hi Daddy" at the end), the smallest bit of selfishness entered my brain. "Don't let her go to the slow slide," I thought, "She's fearless. She can take the speed." Well, as my beautiful baby turned to her the slower, but yet still dangerous, bendy slide...I thought "Its OK. I love her unconditionally. She's just not ready for it yet."
And then...
Two steps toward the bendy slide, a turn of her head, a shift of her weight. Her head turned
Her mount wasn't was utilitarian...just what she needed to get her there, but not loose and floppy enough to get a deduction from the judges. Her little legs hung over the edge and her eyes said a soft goodbye to me before the focus returned.
And then she was gone...
I couldn't tell if it was two seconds or three eternity, I know. The world just seemed to stop. And then with a laugh and a jump, her hair sticking up all the way, she was back. She had made it. No death and destruction. No mangled limbs. Just my little girl again in all her dirty, smiley, blue eyed cuteness. My little heroine.
Stay tuned for chapter two: The Dark. Coming soon!
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