I'm seeing every day what an influence everything is to my little daughter. As much as I miss the ability to teach her everything she knows, I do know that daycare does teach her a lot of the things she says and does. I know for a fact she's gotten "put back" from daycare and probably "sit down" (which I have so much fun with). But I was reminded last night that I've had something to do with it.
Feeding her mashed potatoes is always fun, but

we had an especially good time last night...she shakes her head and laughs and opens her mouth to show me her "see food." During our fun, I remembered that my father used to call Meg and I his baby birds (apparently we were always wanting food?). So I got my daughter's attention, looked to the ceiling and said "tweet tweet tweet." I then looked at my daughter who was quick to follow suit. She's not perfect at it yet, but I have a feeling I will soon have a second generation baby bird.
She's also all about her friend Blitz. Sometimes I cringe after talking about Blitz in the car because after that all I hear is "bitz bitz bitz" all the way home. She's also now saying "good boy" to Blitz and petting him (nicely...as opposed to hitting him) whenever he's around. He takes it all in stride and always treats her so much more gently than he does me (I'm the one who wrestles and boxes with him and I'm the one who gets his "play" bites).
I've also noticed a lot of her other words getting better and more distinct. Cracker is getting closer...more like crackoo than cackoo.
Its hard to believe that the little burrito is becoming a little girl now.
Those little burritos have a way of growing up on us, don't they?
My littlest one will be 13 - a bona fide teenager - this Friday. Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday she was a little burrito herself.
Love to both of you!
Aunt Duckie
I've been thinking about "baby birds." Less about food, if I remember correctly it was the constant "tweet, tweet, tweet" about whatever was wanted that started the baby birds comment.
DId the other comment get through??
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