* I remember wondering how such a small thing was going to turn into a little human. It is
* I remember love at first sight. Something that hasn't changed or faded and never will.
* I remember being amazed at her first laugh and cries that
could have been made by the angels (ok...that may have changed a little at this point).

* I remember the sheer and utter terror at her first word: shoes. This is the root of words like prom dress, college, and wedding.

* I remember her first birthday and her starting to walk more and more every day.
* I remember the first time she called me daddy and actually knew what she was saying and the first time she said I love you.

* I remember wondering if she would ever get any hair and being amazed when her little teeth started to come in.
* I remember the first time she climbed the stairs.

* I remember that she was never afraid of Blitz (what am I saying? she isn't afraid of anything!) and that they are always looking out for each other.

So here's to you my beautiful and amazing little two year old. My lover of the Robert des Eponge Jaune. My Wiggles dancer. My cheese pizza, cheese hot dog, string cheese, and poptart eater. The apple of her daddy's eye and love of his life.
Madelyn Delaney McCoy - Two years old February 28, 2008.