The (long awaited) DarkThere are fears most common to all humans. Stories have passed from generation to generation and the knowledge still does not seem to lessen the fear. Spiders and snakes, heights and death, talking to girls (c'mon, you know its true) to name a few. But one of the scariest things we face every day is going into dark, unknown places. What kid (and more adults than we'll mention here) hasn't sped up the basement stairs all the while telling themselves that they just wanted to see how fast they could get to the top? Is there one among us who hasn't looked over our shoulder while walking down a dark deserted street? I think not.
Well, there is one. At least there's talk of one.
There's a little girl I've heard of

who has to brave the monsters of the dark garage every morning on her trek to school. She's always the first one in and the last one out and she doesn't ever leave anyone behind. You see, while she's taking the first tentative steps into the darkened garage, her daddy is dealing with a vicious, snarling guard dog who is always trying to get out (or maybe he's just trying to get a piece of the little'll have to decide). All the while, the little girl (we'll call her Maddy) is looking out for the monsters.
As she moves her small and seemingly fragile foot from the threshold to cold, hard garage floor, she turns to her daddy and says "where monters?" Now ladies and gentlemen, having asked that question several times in the last year myself, I know that anytime those words have passed my lips I have uttered them with a slight tremor, a chill running down my back. I don't know if she's challenging those monsters or just calling out to those she considers equals, but when you hear it come from that little mouth, its as if a tangible specter of fear leaves the room quietly knowing that it will have no victims today. The sweetness, untouched by the steel of many a dark monster campaign, almost warming those around fear, just conviction.
As much as her daddy tries to explain that there aren't any monsters in that dark garage, she knows the truth. She knows that if her daddy would actually clear away some of the clutter and mishmash of semi-used and just plain unused articles, he would be able to see the teeth and claws and the red, beady eyes. But, she doesn't let it phase her. She just continues on into the void knowing that she is the vanguard for the much weaker force that comes behind her. Even when they are most vulnerable...those moments between the time daddy closes the door to the kitchen so the vicious attack beast doesn't wreak havoc during the day and when he opens the big garage door...she is ever vigilant. Listening to the silence while her eyes adjust to the near black; her catlike reflexes ready to pounce on would be attackers and predators.
An interesting side note here. Her attacks are so advanced and well honed, a normal observer would almost view them as the learning stumbles of a two year old child. We know better.While most of this talent can be attributed to natural instincts, our Warrior of the Dark has enhanced her skills with other less known techniques. Some of these techniques are known by a few masters worldwide while others can only be found in the East (that would be Atlanta). For instance, the ability of her senses to pierce the darkness is a talent born from years (almost two) of harsh discipline. Her sleeping chamber or "bedroom" is adorned with only ONE night light. This allows her eyes to naturally adjust quickly to low light conditions much like the oft

overlooked but never underestimated lemur. Additionally, her monster knowledge comes from an ancient and little known source called "DVDs." While
Barney and
Dorothy were good starting points, Maddy quickly tired of Barney (I hope) and simply dances around with Dorothy (it seems almost like a cat playing with a mouse). Only one DVD has been able to get Maddy where she is today. It is known as
Monsters Inc. (see link for some horrifying images and facts) and it is essential for any up and coming monster eliminator out there. And, while good enough for any mediocre apprentice, the aforementioned training doesn't even take into account the legendary contact Maddy has had not only with the brutal guard beast who advances on her with rough tongue and whip like tail lashing, but also the hordes of other acclaimed and persistent talent she must challenge daily at the Shining Star Academy (her guild hall).
Needless to say, this dedication to her duty and constant vigilance saves lives every day and hopefully adds just a little bravery to our hearts the next time we turn out the light that seems just a little too far from the bottom of the basement stairs.