I picked Maddy up from another one of those "no nap" days. As usual, she was falling asleep in the car about five minutes from daycare. We had Blitz in the car with us. It's kind of interesting trying to keep the 90 pound dog away from the 25 pound kid (and vice versa).

When we got home, Blitz had to go outside, so of course, his best friend had to be out there with him (by the way, I'm no longer his best friend, apparently). So walking around to the other side of the house, something caught Ms. Madelyn's attention. Could it be a harmless ladybug or a stick for Blitz? Nope...it had to be the water spigot.
Being the good father that I am, I decided to turn the water on a little so she could see what it did. This amused the small child immensely and she proceeded to run her hands and arms and (unknown to me at the time) her entire outfit through the water.

The big smiles and giggles (which I didn't capture) were well worth having her in her diaper and little sandals the rest of the evening!
The pictures aren't the greatest and I didn't get everything I wanted (like her climbing the stairs and me "getting her") but they're not bad for my camera phone.